How To Plan Your Family Caregiving Journey

Planning For Caregiving And Preparing For The Future

Our nation has more senior individuals than ever; almost 16.8% of the total population is now over 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. These figures show that more grandparents are getting to know the following generation of their families and that more families may care for their elderly loved ones.

According to the latest AARP estimates, about 34 million Americans offer unpaid care to senior citizens. If you’re considering joining this expanding demographic, you must be well-prepared to take on the responsibility, as caregiving is also proven challenging.

This article will help you plan for your caregiving journey by listing what you must prepare for.

The Importance Of Planning Your Family Caregiving Journey

Planning for family caregiving involves considering the needs of a loved one who requires care and support and assessing the resources and support available to the caregiver. This process ensures that both the caregiver and the care recipient receive the best possible care and support while also helping to reduce the stress and burden of caregiving. 

With proper planning, caregivers can better manage their well-being, balance caregiving with other responsibilities, and provide the highest quality care for their loved ones. In this context, it is important to explore different options and resources and work collaboratively with other family members, healthcare professionals, and community resources to create a comprehensive care plan that meets the needs of both the caregiver and the care recipient.

What To Prepare

Planning and preparing to be a family caregiver is essential to ensure that you are ready to take on the role and provide the best care possible to your loved one. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, a credible source on caregiving, here are some things family caregivers should prepare:

1. Research your loved one’s medical condition or disability

Understanding your loved one’s condition or disability is essential to provide the best care possible. Research the condition or disability, its symptoms, and treatment options, and learn about the resources available to help you provide care.

2. Seek out support

Being a caregiver can be challenging and demanding, and it is important to have a support system in place. Reach out to family members, friends, and community resources, such as support groups, to help you manage the emotional and physical demands of the role.

According to the Help guide, here are some places where you can get caregiver support:

  • Support groups: Joining a caregiver support group can be a great way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. You can find support groups in your community or online.
  • Counseling: Consider seeking counseling or therapy to help you manage caregiving’s stress and emotional challenges. Many counselors and therapists specialize in working with caregivers and can provide valuable support and guidance.
  • Respite care: Respite care is a service that provides temporary relief for caregivers by having someone else care for their loved one for a short period. Respite care can help caregivers take a break and focus on their well-being.
  • Local agencies: Many local agencies offer services and support for caregivers, including information, referrals, and assistance with care planning.
  • Online resources: There are many online resources available for caregivers, including educational materials, support forums, and webinars. These resources can provide valuable information and support, especially for caregivers unable to attend in-person support groups or counseling.

3. Assess your loved one’s needs.

Determine what kind of care your loved one requires, including medical care, personal care, and emotional support. Assessing your loved one’s needs will help you develop a plan for providing care.

According to a North Dakota State University publication, here are the four big issues you should also consider when preparing for your caregiving journey.

Financial Considerations

It’s important to consider the financial resources available for care, which may involve understanding the person’s assets and liabilities. Financial considerations include creating a list of their accounts, social security income, insurance policies, etc. Additionally, it’s important to research the costs of home and community-based care options in case they are needed.

Legal Considerations

It’s important to have legal documents that authorize someone to make legal, financial, and healthcare decisions on behalf of another person. It’s also important to keep legal documents, such as social security numbers, birth certificates, wills, and more, in an accessible location. Lega; considerations may be necessary when determining eligibility for public programs such as Medicaid.

Healthcare Considerations

The type of care needed will depend on the illness or frailty of the family member. It’s important to talk to them about their preferences for care and include these in the care plan.

Housing Considerations

Housing issues should also be considered, such as whether the family member’s home is adaptable and safe for their needs. Housing considerations may involve determining the cost of making modifications or considering alternative housing options.

Develop a care plan

Based on your loved one’s needs, develop a care plan that outlines the specific tasks you will need to perform and the schedule for providing care. A care plan can include scheduling medical appointments, administering medication, and providing personal care, such as bathing and dressing.

Here is a quick guide from the National Institute on Aging and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help you get started:

Identify the senior’s needs: Start by assessing the senior’s physical, emotional, and social needs. Determining a senior’s needs may involve consulting with their doctor or a geriatric care manager. Consider factors such as 

  • Household care
  • Financial affairs
  • Transportation needs
  • Personal care
  • Health care
  • Communication
  • Emotional care
  • Supervision
  • Set realistic goals: Based on the senior’s needs, set realistic goals you hope to achieve. For example, the goal may be to improve seniors’ mobility or to ensure they take their medications as prescribed.
  • Develop a plan: Once you have identified the senior’s needs and set goals, develop a plan for achieving those goals. This may involve hiring a home health aide, arranging for transportation to medical appointments, or making modifications to the senior’s home to make it safer.
  • Identify resources: Identify the resources you will need to implement the care plan. This may include medical equipment, transportation services, or in-home care providers.
  • Implement the plan: Once you have developed the plan and identified the necessary resources, it’s time to implement the plan. Be prepared to adjust the plan as needed and communicate with the senior’s doctor, caregivers, and family members as necessary.

4. Establish communication with medical professionals

Establish communication with your loved one’s medical professionals, such as their doctor or nurse, to stay informed about their medical condition and to receive guidance on providing the best care possible.

5. Prepare your home

Make any necessary modifications to your home to ensure it is safe and accessible for your loved one. Home modifications to ensure the safety of seniors can include installing grab bars in the bathroom, removing tripping hazards, and adding wheelchair ramps.

6. Take care of yourself.

Caring for a loved one can be emotionally and physically demanding, and taking care of your health and well-being is essential. Make sure to take breaks, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough rest.

Here are some tips from credible sources:

  • Take breaks: Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting, so it’s essential to take breaks. Find ways to take some time off, even if it’s just for a few hours. You can hire a respite care provider, ask a family member or friend to step in or join a support group that offers respite services.
  • Prioritize self-care: It’s easy to put your needs aside when caring for someone else, but self-care is critical. Take care of your physical and emotional health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Consider mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga to help manage stress.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family members, friends, or professionals. There are support groups and counseling services available for caregivers.
  • Manage stress: Caregiving can be stressful, so it’s important to manage stress. Consider learning stress management techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization.
  • Take advantage of available resources: Many resources are available to help caregivers, such as support groups, educational programs, and respite services. Check with your local health department or aging services agency to find out what’s available in your area.


In conclusion, planning and preparing to be a family caregiver involves researching your loved one’s condition, seeking support, assessing your loved one’s needs, developing a care plan, establishing communication with medical professionals, preparing your home, and taking care of yourself. By taking these steps, you can provide the best care possible to your loved one while also ensuring your well-being.

You can also visit our Family Guide To Caregiving to learn more about the processes and responsibilities that come with caregiving  to your older loved ones.
